(781) 202-6534

Reopening: A Phased Approach

Reopening: A Phased Approach
Kingston Bay Dentistry
BY Kingston Bay Dentistry

Our team looks forward to seeing you again soon!

We hope everyone is doing well through this pandemic. We've really missed seeing patients everyday, and can't wait to welcome folks back.  It's been been an unprecedented time, and we are grateful for your patience as we cancelled appointments per the recommendation of the Massachusetts Dental Society and Governor Baker.  

As we begin to enter into a new normal, we have formulated a phased approach to opening the office, similar to what the State of Massachusetts is doing, with the primary focus on keeping everyone safe.

Now that Governor Baker has announced Phase I opening starts on May 25th, we will start to call patients to schedule certain types of appointments that fall under strict state guidelines.  This phase will last at least 3 weeks per Governor Baker.  Please know that although we would love to see everyone during Phase I, state restrictions limit the types of appointments we can see.

As we begin to slowly reopen, you will notice several changes to keep you safe. When we call you to schedule your appointment, we will send a COVID-19 screening form with simple questions about your health.

On the day of your appointment, we ask that you wait in our parking lot.  When we are ready to see you, we will call and ask you to enter the office.  In order to limit the number of people in the office, we ask that only the patient come in whenever possible.  One parent or caregiver may wait in the front lobby if necessary, where we have reorganized furniture to allow a 6-foot distance between chairs and walking traffic.

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts requires that everyone wear a mask in public, so please wear a mask when you arrive.  You will be met at the office door, offered hand sanitizer, and brought straight into a treatment room, where our team will check your temperature before your mask is removed and treatment begins.  When the appointment is finished, you will exit without stopping at our front desk.  Payments will be made over the phone during this pandemic in order to minimize personal contact and ensure the well-being of our patients.

All of these changes will allow us to keep your safety as our number one priority.  And though we can't welcome you back with handshakes or fist bumps, it will be great to see all of your faces (and teeth) soon!  We assure you, we will be smiling at you from behind our masks.

Stay safe and healthy, and we will call you soon!

The Hollis Dentistry Team